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LiveWallpaper set - Dome

22 ratings

This is a sponsor reward, strictly prohibited from sharing or reselling on any platform!

LiveWallpaper set - Dome

resolution:2k/4k(PC)(three different versions), 1440x2560(Mobile)

Frame rate: 60FPS

Format: MP4

This wallpaper set include music. Music:Final Transmission Home - Amaranth Cove , Flower Dance

Instructions on how to use livewallpaper :

If your device is not one of the resolutions above, you can still use it; just choose the closest aspect ratio.

The PC version of the wallpaper has been seamlessly looped for continuous playback.

The livewallpaper reward you receive is an MP4 video format, and how to set it as a livewallpaper depends on your device's system:

a). Windows system: The most commonly used livewallpaper software is Wallpaper Engine in the Steam store (paid software). Open it, select [Open Wallpaper] -> [Open Offline Wallpaper (Dynamic)] -> select the MP4 video file, apply the wallpaper, and no additional settings are needed. Please do not publish the wallpaper in the Creative Workshop, as this is a reward for sponsors only. Note that Win7 does not support videos above 2K resolution. You need to download a separate decoder; otherwise, you will experience a black screen. Win10 has no issues.

b). Mac OS: Dynamic Wallpaper Engine can be downloaded from the Apple Store.

c). IOS device now not available for using livewallpapers.

d). Android system: Different phone manufacturers have their own UI systems, and the required apps are also different. You need to search for the app suitable for your phone. The recommended app is Wallpaper Engine for Android.

動態壁紙 - 蒼穹

2k/4k分辨率 60fps PC版(三張) + 2k分辨率 60fps 手機版 + 3D工程文件(blender格式)

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LiveWallpaper set - Dome

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